
The StepForward Recovery Practice

Wellbeing: Coaching survivors of Abuse and Trauma to have a voice and balanced life.

Additional Support

Recognising that coaching is not for everyone - if you would prefer counselling or a support group outside of Sevenoaks, Kent please see contact details:


Jessica Butler Tel:  07970 042376 email:

counselling, abuse, survivorFor many survivors of childhood sexual abuse, life can feel dominated by the traumatic events from their past.  This in turn can have a negative impact on many aspects of life such as happiness, seIf-esteem, relationships, work, sleep.   Does this sound familiar to you?  If so, please contact me for a safe and confidential chat to see whether counselling might be helpful for you.  You are under no obligation to take it any further, but you may just be taking a step towards being someone who is no longer defined by their past and who feels empowered to face a different, happier future.


Family matters Tel: 01474 536661 Web:

Gravesend, Maidstone, Tonbridge, Kent

Registered charity no: 1019861


Support Group - UK