Don’t Tell Me - Ask Me
Listening to the voice of the Adult Child
Social Work Week 2023 was hosted between 20 – 24 March 2023 with its main objective being “To bring people together to learn, connect and influence change.”
As part of the Sector-Led presentations Beverley Ann, hosted and co-presented Don’t Tell Me – Ask Me Listening to the Voice of The Adult Child, alongside Chris Tuck and Alethea Stirling-Chambers.

In this interactive session, Beverley shares her timeline of Lived Experience and her Professional Perspective, as a Trauma-Informed Specialist Recovery Practitioner. This also included Chris sharing hers too, to give an objective view of different experiences and their impact later into Adulthood.
Science is recognising the impact of trauma - physically, mentally (neurologically) and emotionally, with pre-disposed medical and psychosocial outcomes of children with adverse experiences, into adulthood.
What about the impact of secondary trauma and triggers on the caregivers?
As you will see in the video – the results of the polls conducted were very interesting. 251 people registered to join the session and a selection of the audience participated in the live anonymous polls resulting in some very interesting results.
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